RisCassi & Davis :15 TV "Credentials"

Bridgeport—The Waterfront Master Plan

Joe Ganim "Believe "

Speaking Truth to What Matters Most

Tyco Healthcare

Pharmaceutical Managers & Reps ~ Excerpt

Surgical Safety Products Pt. 1 ~ Oasis "At Your Touch" Calm in the Operating Room

Tim Herbst "Reformer with Results" TV :30

Surgical Safety Products Pt. 2 ~ Oasis "At Your Touch" Calm in the Operating Room

TV Commercial Reel ~ Susan Katz

RisCassi & Davis :15 TV "Best Lawyers"

Wine & Spirits ~ Heublein Promotional Video

Gender Awareness Training ~ Excerpt 3

Gender Awareness Training ~ Excerpt 1

Gender Awareness Training ~ Excerpt 2

Peter DiNardo Enterprises "The Way It Is"

Radio Commercials ~ Susan Katz

AAPC Pollie Award Winner "Promises. Promises."

Watch A Glass of Guinness Go Ruby Black ~ Time Lapse